Thursday, February 24, 2011


I heard Bekah playing with her dolls today and listened in on the following conversation....

Baby doll: "Mommy, Mommy, stay home with Daddy and me."

Mommy doll: "No, I have to go to work."

Baby doll: "Please Mommy, stay home and play with me."

Mommy doll: "Do you want to eat?"

Sigh..... the cold, hard facts of life - do they have to learn them so young?


Lori said...

Aw... Yes, they do sometimes. It is heartbreaking, but you are a very good Mommy, and she loves you very much. You give everything she needs and more. So don't beat yourself up, okay?

Unknown said...

I agree with Lori!!! I have a new blog...come visit!!